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Month Update/ Review

So much has gone on the last month, wouldn't you agree?
I actually didn't know whether or not to write this post today but I thought that you all really needed to know what has been going on.❤️

I think last month we didn't just hit the 2,000 views mark but we are now on 3,000 overall views, that's amazing. So I just wanted to say a massive thankyou to you all for reading my posts every week.❤️

Over the last two weeks and a bit as some of you know, I hadn't been feeling too well that is why I was a bit slow at posting my posts. I am really sorry for that. But I am now feeling loads better and I have been writing a lot more than before and I really can't wait to share with you what I've got.❤️

If you didn't know about my page on Bloglovin, go and check it out. I love Bloglovin as I'm always on it when I wake up in a morning and again when I'm off to bed. I'm also on it goodness knows how many other times in the day. If you are following me you will have noticed that I have many different collections. I like to look through everything in my feed and and what's suggested and place them into different collections for you all. It will make it easier for you to find different post that you might be looking for. I think now I have about 75 followers on both my page and my blogs page. So thank you for following me if you are ❤️

I am so looking forward to this month as I am now off college for two weeks, it's now easter weekend here in the UK and also it's going to be my brothers birthday soon.
I hope you like what's I'm this post and I can't wait to share more things with you in the following weeks to come. If you want any questions answering let me know in the comments below, or you can get intouch with me on my google+. ❤️

Thanks for reading.
Lots of love,
HailsExclusive xoxox


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