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Showing posts from October, 2017

Love reading this after so long.

I can't put into words how strange it is to read these posts. It seems like it has been forever since I last wrote a post. Thinking about all the different things that might seem interesting to me back then, I wasn't to sure if anyone would feel the same. Im still living at home. Not long just re-designed my bedroom. Most of the furniture that I have used all came from Ikea (best shop ever). Ive just given the blog a new look if you hadn't already seen. Changed jobs a few times since I started this blog. Still have our dog Charlie. He is still and will always be the laziest dog ever. He so cute though. Im still buying Avon products. Have far to many makeup products now. I must say I have got much better at how i put my makeup on. Im not OTT, Im just casual with it. I love photography, if I haven't already said so on here. Im going to be taking photos and recording my aunties wedding. I cant wait. I don't know if there is anything else, I'll have to